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Learn about artificial intelligence and machine learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is used to enhance system intelligence and efficiency.

Machine Learning (ML) helps computers learn from data and improve over time.

AI & ML work together to make using technology and day-to-day tasks easier.

An introduction to AI

In today’s digital age, artifical intelligence (AI) is like the superhero of technology, making our lives easier and more exciting.

AI is all about teaching computers to think and learn just like humans do. It’s like giving them the power to understand, reason, and even make decisions. From chatbots to self-driving cars, AI is everywhere, making our world smarter and more efficient.

An introduction to ML

Machine learning (ML) serves as the brainpower behind AI, focusing on teaching computers to learn from data and evolve autonomously over time, without direct programming.

Picture your favorite app adapting to your preferences or your email effortlessly organising itself – that’s the magic of ML at work!

This part of the website will explore how AI & ML can simplify your day-to-day life. We’ll delve into various applications and tools crafted to enhance your daily routines and make tasks more manageable.

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